About NOTA

Our values, our goals, and contributions towards preventing Sexual Abuse.

Who are we?

NOTA is the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abuse.

It changed its name and registration in 2019 to reflect its focus upon prevention, Previously it was the  National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers. NOTA is a registered charity.

Inaugurated as a National Organisation in 1991, NOTA grew from a regional network in the North West of England.

Membership is open to any professional whose work concerns intervention with sexually aggressive individuals regardless of their age, race, gender or sexual preference.

With a growing multi-disciplinary membership comprised of practitioners, managers and policy makers from the public, private and voluntary sectors, NOTA is able to bring a wide variety of perspectives to intervention with sexual aggressors.

What do we do at NOTA?

We provide a support network for professionals involved in work related to sexual offending, through the national organisation and local branch events.

We publish NOTA News: A regular newsletter of articles, information, news and book reviews.

NOTA also Publishes a tri-annual Journal of Sexual Aggression jointly with international publishing house Taylor and Francis.

NOTA Hosts an annual international professional conference and promotes high quality national and regional training events.

NOTA’s Charitable Objectives are to advance education for the benefit of the public, amongst members of the profession or persons working with or providing services for people who have committed sexual abuse or others having a legitimate professional interest in the field.

We also aim to promote or assist research into the skills associated with the professions who work with or provide services for people who have committed sexual abuse and into the efficiency of existing skills and practices, and to disseminate the useful results of such research for the benefit of the public.

Organisations that work with us…

Become a NOTA Member

Join our NOTA Members list to enjoy access to exclusive material such as our NOTA Newsletter and The Journal of Sexual Abuse, as well as discounted places at all of our events and conferences.

Meet Our
NOTA Board Members

Stuart Allardyce


Kieran McCarten

Vice Chair

Malcolm Muskett

General manager

Anna Glinski

NOTA News Editor

Mitch Waterman

Research Committee

Dulcie Faure Walker

Conference Chair

Lynne Saunders

Training Committee Chair

Jon Brown

Prevention Committee Chair

Sharron Wareham


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