
Elizabeth Letourneau, PhD

Director, MOORE | Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Moore Family Professor, Department of Mental Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Letourneau is Professor and Director of MOORE | Preventing Child Sexual Abuse at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. For 36 years she has led work on child sexual abuse prevention, practice, and policy that has attracted $35 million in funding and resulted in more than 100 scientific publications. She advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Commission, and other government, corporate, and NGO entities. Her research has been cited in U.S. state supreme court cases, by state, national, and international legislatures and has appeared in various media outlets including TEDMED.

Aengus Ó Dochartaigh

Outreach Director, MOORE | Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Aengus Ó Dochartaigh is Outreach Director at MOORE | Preventing Child Sexual Abuse – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He leads international engagement and partnerships to ensure that emerging evidence of effective prevention informs and supports policy, practice and funding. Aengus was previously Director of Strategy and Operations at Human Dignity Foundation, delivering major investments to tackle child sexual abuse. Prior to this focus on children’s rights, Aengus worked for consultancies and NGOs in the international development sector, living in Palestine and Fiji and working extensively across west, east, and southern Africa.

Michael Seto, PhD

Director, Forensic Research Unit
University of Ottawa’s Institute of Mental Health Research at The Royal
Professor in Psychiatry, University of Ottawa
Dr. Michael Seto is a registered clinical and forensic psychologist and currently a research director with the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, as well as Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Seto has published extensively on pedophilia, sexual offending against children and online sexual offending. He regularly presents at scientific meetings and professional workshops on these topics. He has written well-reviewed books on pedophilia and sexual offending against children (2008, 2nd edition 2018) and on internet sexual offending (2013, 2nd edition forthcoming), all published by the American Psychological Association.

Tim Reilly

MSI – A Tetra Tech Company
Tim Reilly is a strategic management and performance practice area leader and technical director. He has significant expertise and experience designing, conducting and managing a wide range of evaluation and research activities, including process and impact evaluations, value for money assessments and the development of logic models and monitoring frameworks. Recent activities include designing a comparative five country study on development sustainability, providing advice to grant applicants and grantees through the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Support project, and working with DFID and other donors to develop a donor monitoring framework in the Somalian governance sector. He has delivered projects for the USAID, the UK Department for International Development, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the UK Stabilization Unit. 


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